
Ethiopian National strategy and action plan for conservation and sustainable utilization of animal genetic resource conducts

News On - 21-Nov-2018

From Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt congratulations, as the outcomes of the ongoing COP 14 of UN Conference

News On - 21-Nov-2018

EBI & Oda Bultum University agrees to conserve Biodiversity

News On - 16-Mar-2018

Workshop on National Ecosystem Assessment Conducts

News On - 20-Feb-2018
Ethiopian Biodiversity Institute (EBI) has conducted Launching Workshop on National Ecosystem Assessment using the IPBES process and approaches from February 16-17, at Bishoftu. Addressing the event with the opening speech, Minster for Environment, Forest and Climate Change Dr. Gemedo Dalle stated that conservation and use of biodiversity following ecosystem approach need to be promoted. Thus, equal attention to both natural and social sciences should be given, he noted. The Minster also added that "the effectiveness of restoration actions in increasing provision of both biodiversity and ecosystem services should be systematically evaluated and policy relevant data should be generated and used". Dr. Gemedo further noted that regular and timely assessment is also essential for updating the status and knowledge on biodiversity and ecosystem services and their inter-linkages, with regional and global data systems. Dr Feleke Woldeyes, Deputy Director General of EBI said that a stakeholder engagement is vital in the implementation of the Platform’s work program. So enhanced participation from those stakeholders is expected, Dr. Feleke remarked. On the workshop papers were presented related to IPBES and the way forward also discussed with the stakeholders. IPBES is an Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services that serves as an interface between the scientific community and policy makers with the aim to strengthen the use of scientific data in policy intervention.

A non-paper information exchange system developed in the institute

News On - 06-Feb-2018

National Advisory Committee on Conservation, Sustainable Utilization and Benefit sharing of Animals

News On - 06-Feb-2018

New project on nagoya protocol

News On - 10-Nov-2017
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