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Ethiopian National strategy and action plan for conservation and sustainable utilization of animal genetic resource conducts News On - 21-Nov-2018Workshop on Evaluation and Implementation of Ethiopian National strategy and action plan for conservation and sustainable utilization of animal genetic resource conducts. Ethiopian Biodiversity Institute, Animal biodiversity directorate in collaboration with African union Interafrican Bureau for Resource conducted two consecutive Workshops on Evaluation of the Implementation of Ethiopian National strategy and action plan for conservation and sustainable utilization of animal genetic resources from 5-6 November and 8-9 November,2018 at Adama,Dire International Hotel Dr.Feleke woldeyes,deputy general Director of Ethiopian Biodiversity Institute, in his opening speech, stated that Ethiopia is a country of great geographic diversity. The latitudinal variation of the country ranges from 126 mbsl in the Danakil depression to the highest peak of 4,620 meters above sea level (masl) on Mount Ras Dashen so that the country is endowed with diverse ecosystems inhabited by an abundant diversity of animals genetic resources. The country's geographical proximity to the historical entry point of many breeds in Africa specially Ethiopia to have diverse topographic and climatic conditions as well as the wide ranging production systems have further contributed to the existence of a large diversity of. Indigenous breeds of farm animal genetic resources are the one that focus on. He also explains that Ethiopia is gifted country in animals genetic resources but due to limited awareness we did not let us conserve our genetic resource properly. Hence some of the genetic resources are in danger to extinct and he urged the participant to play their own part to conserve and utilize our resources properly. Mr.Abreham Assefa, Animal biodiversity directorate director, presented on the title animal genetic resources, treats on animal genetic resources, major achievement in characterization, insitu and exsitu conservation. In his explanation the country's major animal production systems and related animal genetic resources, their diversity, conservation, utilization, relative importance, and provides an overview of the status. Mr. Abebe hailu on his part explained about Ethiopian national strategy and plan of action for conservation and sustainable utilization of animal genetic resource. On his presentation he provides an overview of the present policies, strategies, programs and management practices; analysis of future demands, trends of animal products, changes in production systems and their impact on animal genetic resources. He also explains the assessment of the current and future national population along with the capacity building requirements to undertake activities related to animal genetic resources opportunities, challenges and strategic priorities for action. The researchers in directorate and invited researchers presented different title and discussed on the issues. Farm animals are an integral part of the Ethiopian agricultural fabric. They are the country's source of food, raw materials, cash and foreign exchange earnings as well as its social and cultural identity. They are one of the input suppliers to the manufacturing sector of the country. The contribution of livestock to the total agricultural GDP and national foreign currency earnings for the country is very high. Ethiopia needs to further develop efficient infrastructure to utilize its animal genetic resources opportunities. There is a need to urgently develop appropriate breeding programs for the different livestock breeds adapted to the different ecosystem. A top priority for the utilization and conservation of animal genetic resource in the country is the characterization of different species of farm animals and identifies merits of breeds. As researchers disclose there is a need for capacity building in farm animal use, development and conservation as well as implementing Animal genetic resources programs. The national policy on biodiversity conservation and development is formulated based on the rationale that the conservation of biodiversity is one of the conditions of overall national economic development From Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt congratulations, as the outcomes of the ongoing COP 14 of UN Conference News On - 21-Nov-2018From Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt congratulations, as the outcomes of the ongoing COP 14 of UN Conference Ethiopia is elected as 1. Chair for Like Minded Mega Diverse Country (LMMC) Group for the period of 2019-2020 2. the Bureau member for the CBD, representing African region 3. the committee member for Compliance measures for Nagoya Protocol EBI & Oda Bultum University agrees to conserve Biodiversity News On - 16-Mar-2018The Ethiopian Biodiversity Institute and Oda Bultum University sign Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to jointly work on Biodiversity, on March 13, 2017. The biodiversity protection activities of the institute have been aligned with various universities. Therefore, the agreement with the Oda Bultum University is part of that. Signing Institute Director General Dr. Melesse Maryo said the Institute is working on biodiversity conservation and sustainable utilization of these resources. Thus, in order to achieve the objective, it is necessary to create and strengthen such agreements. He added that the Institute will continue to work closely with the University to promote the conservation, research and access and benefit sharing of biodiversity. Dr. Melesse Maryo also pointed out university should take due account of the issue of Biodevesity. University President, Dr. Muktar Mohammed, on his part said that the university is ready to co-ordinate with the institute to conserve Biodivesity in a scientific way that supports the community. "We will work harder to conserve the resources all the assets and restore the endangered ones", Dr. Muktar added. The Institute has so far signed similar agreements with over twenty universities and bearing encouraging fruits. Workshop on National Ecosystem Assessment Conducts News On - 20-Feb-2018Ethiopian Biodiversity Institute (EBI) has conducted Launching Workshop on National Ecosystem Assessment using the IPBES process and approaches from February 16-17, at Bishoftu. Addressing the event with the opening speech, Minster for Environment, Forest and Climate Change Dr. Gemedo Dalle stated that conservation and use of biodiversity following ecosystem approach need to be promoted. Thus, equal attention to both natural and social sciences should be given, he noted. The Minster also added that "the effectiveness of restoration actions in increasing provision of both biodiversity and ecosystem services should be systematically evaluated and policy relevant data should be generated and used". Dr. Gemedo further noted that regular and timely assessment is also essential for updating the status and knowledge on biodiversity and ecosystem services and their inter-linkages, with regional and global data systems. Dr Feleke Woldeyes, Deputy Director General of EBI said that a stakeholder engagement is vital in the implementation of the Platform’s work program. So enhanced participation from those stakeholders is expected, Dr. Feleke remarked. On the workshop papers were presented related to IPBES and the way forward also discussed with the stakeholders. IPBES is an Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services that serves as an interface between the scientific community and policy makers with the aim to strengthen the use of scientific data in policy intervention. A non-paper information exchange system developed in the institute News On - 06-Feb-2018The Ethiopian Biodiversity Institute information technology Directorate conducted training on January 25, 2010 on the newly developed intranet system. The Intranet system is able to provide a non-paper processing system by disseminating information exchange within the institute. the Information Technology Directorate Director, Mr Anteneh Leagesse, said that the intranet system will provide centralized information to the institute staff. According to Ato Anteneh, logging information can be converted to electronic mode, so it can exchange information and information on the database. Various work processes in the intranet system have been introduced by the training staff. The intranet system will save time and energy by providing the desired service to the intended purpose. Participants from the training said that the system will be updated with a view to enhancing the exchange of information. The intranet system is powered by an Internet service, and it can be found that over four hundred thousand electronic records can be downloaded from the database, including various research documents and books. National Advisory Committee on Conservation, Sustainable Utilization and Benefit sharing of Animals News On - 06-Feb-2018Members of National Advisory Committee on Conservation, Sustainable Utilization and Benefits sharing of Animal Genetic Resources of the country (AnGR) have held discussions at Ethiopian Biodiversity Institute, on January 30, 2017. The discussion focused on the conservation and sustainable use of domestic animal genetic resources. Director General of the Institute, Dr. Melese Maryo on the opening of the discussion forum, said Ethiopia's large-scale domestic animal resource is losing because of different reason such as mixed with other sub-species, drought,, and so on. So, by settling the problem, we must keep the wealth safe and benefit from it, he noted. To provide this National Strategy and Plan of Action for Conservation and Sustainable Utilization of Animal Genetic Resources has been introduced since last year to integrate tasks and performing successful activities, Dr Melese added. The Director General remarked the strategy, which will be last ten years, Members of the National Advisory Committee and experts are expected to work together to ensure the sustainable use of biodiversity and to achieve the goals set out in the strategy. Director of the Animal Biodiversity Directorate, Mr. Abraham Assefa, presented the bylaws of the National Advisory Committee, which was organized in the presence of all concerned bodies. The committee will focus on the conservation, sustainable utilization and access and benefit sharing of domestic animal genetic resources of the country, according to Mr. Abraham. In addition, the committee will have a significant role in addressing the problems of animal domestic biodiversity, and in the naming of breeds. The members, on their part, responded to work together with regard to wealth of the sector, the process of breeding and naming of breeds. The National Advisory Committee is composed of 12 members, including Ministries, Research Institutes, Universities, International Organizations and Regional Offices. New project on nagoya protocol News On - 10-Nov-2017
A New project on Nagoya Protocol Implementation has been launched
Strengthening human resources, legal frameworks, and intuitional capacities to implement the Nagoya protocol ( The UNDP/ GEF Project), anew project that aims at assisting countries in the development and strengthening of their national ABS frameworks has been launched on July 26 2017, at Addis Ababa.
Mr. Abraham Assefa, Representative of General Director of Ethiopian Biodiversity Institute, noted that Ethiopia has become a member of Mega Diversity Countries in the world.
He also pointed out biological diversity is the base for economic prosperity and other aspects of human welfare at household and national level.
“The implementation of the basic measures of the Nagoya protocol in the participating countries will generate a wide range of monetary and non-monetary benefits for providers of genetic resources”, said Mr. Abraham. This will help countries get all the benefits from their biodiversity through fulfilling the objectives of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), he indicated.
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